We thank you for your interest in Rumbling Bald on Lake Lure located in Lake Lure, NC. Many of you have been part of the Rumbling Bald family for years and think of us as your home away from home. We appreciate your loyalty and we work very hard to keep improving the property in the hopes that you'll stay part of our family for years to come!For those of you who are new to Rumbling Bald on Lake Lure- we hope you’ll visit us soon! Rumbling Bald touts the perfect location for you to sit and relax along Lake Lure, or explore the mountainous area and have fun! There is a lot to discover about Rumbling Bald on Lake Lure, we hope to assist you in making plans to visit.
Vacation Rentals
We manage close to 150 vacation rentals that range in all sizes and price ranges. Each home, studio, and condo on the Resort property are individually owned and each site therefore has a unique personality (see rating system below). Our rental sites are fully furnished, but will vary in the amenities each offers.
*Unfortunately Rumbling Bald on Lake Lure does not manage or rent any ADA compliant rentals.
For additional information, please call 828.694.3015.